In North Carolina, the question of whether children can decide which parent they want to live with is a complex matter that legal statutes govern. The state places a significant emphasis on the best interests of the child. While the court can consider children’s...
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Family Law
Communication breakdowns in child custody disputes
Child custody disputes are often emotional and complex. These disputes can be highly distressing, not only for the parents but also for the children caught in the middle. One of the most prevalent issues in these conflicts is a breakdown in communication between the...
Does back child support affect custody rights?
If you find yourself in the middle of a dispute over child custody, you could have an overwhelming amount of stress. Whether you are getting a divorce and want to protect your relationship with your child or you are a noncustodial parent dealing with the denial of...
How can you enforce a custody order in North Carolina?
The method you choose when forming a custody agreement will impact how you can enforce it. Co-parents may go through the court to come to an agreement on custody, or they make a determination on their own. Enforcement without a court order The court and police will...
Reasons to request a child custody modification
Child custody arrangements are often complex and emotionally charged. They aim to prioritize the best interests of the child while balancing the rights and desires of both parents. However, circumstances can change, and it may become necessary to request a...
How can coparents come to a financial agreement?
Before the divorce, discussing finances with your partner may have been a point of contention. Following the divorce, most exes struggle to continue to talk about finances. After all, serious conversations with your ex can be emotional and frustrating. However, if you...
How can you be successful at parallel parenting?
While many professionals claim that co-parenting has the most positive results on the children of divorced couples, there are situations where co-parenting is not in the children's best interests. High-conflict divorces make it difficult for parents to communicate...
How can you alleviate distress during parental separation?
After a divorce, the custodial parent may have more time with the children. Likewise, parents who have to move or join the military may have limited physical time with their children. Separating a parent from a child can cause emotional distress, fear and distrust in...
How might domestic violence impact a child custody situation?
Ideally, you and your children's other parent will get along enough to have a reasonable relationship that allows you to properly care for your little ones. However, this is not always the case. If your situation involves violence, you may want to approach child...
Consider your child’s preference regarding child custody
When navigating child custody, emotions can run high. You and your spouse have a lot to discuss, including visitation, school schedules and your respective desires when it comes to taking care of your children. Another aspect to consider, either in mediation or with...