When it comes to estate planning, you are never too young to get started. Your level of wealth also does not matter, as any person with some assets should have a solid plan in place. Of course, creating a plan is really just the beginning. You must also ensure your...
Criminal Defense And Civil Practice Litigation Lawyers Serving The Piedmont Of North Carolina
Year: 2021
Addressing custody violations in North Carolina
Whether you are working through a difficult divorce or you ended your marriage years ago, you could have various concerns related to child custody. As a parent, it is essential to safeguard your relationship with your child and his or her best interests....
When does speeding turn into reckless driving?
If you are like many North Carolinians, you often find there are too few hours in the day to accomplish everything you need to finish. Exceeding the speed limit by a few miles per hour may be part of fitting everything into your hectic schedule. Speeding may not be...
Can you continue collecting SSDI when you go back to work?
Social security disability benefits can provide you with a reliable, alternative source of income when your condition prevents you from working. However, as you recover, you may reach a point where you desire to return to the workforce. Knowing how to balance your...
Will you owe estate taxes?
An important part of the estate planning process in North Carolina involves recognizing those opportunities to preserve assets. Some pending expenses, however, may seem inevitable. You might reasonably list estate taxes in this category. Yet is that true? North...
What are the short-term and long-term issues after a DWI arrest?
An arrest for driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a nerve-wracking experience at best, especially for a first-time offender. Following an arrest, the driver may have no idea what happens in the near term and what kind of long-term effect a conviction might have. Breath...
Can parallel parenting work for you?
Parenting is hard enough when you do not feel like you have to fight your co-parent every step of the way. Unfortunately, this is the experience many newly divorced parents have. The penchant to fight one another may end up outweighing your ability to help your child....
Are breath test devices always accurate?
When a North Carolina law enforcement official stops your car and suspects you may be under the influence of alcohol, you may have to take a breath test so that the officer may determine your level of impairment. A conviction for driving while impaired may lead to...
When should you update your will?
Thankfully, you took the time to craft a will for yourself and your loved ones. Do you plan on changing the legal document's contents? Next Avenue explains situations that often require updating a will. Ensure your estate plan always represents your most current...
Are DWI checkpoints legal in the Tar Heel State?
In North Carolina, individuals who have blood alcohol concentrations over 0.08% may not legally operate motor vehicles. If you drive while impaired, you are at risk of a roadside stop involving a single officer. You may also drive into a sobriety checkpoint. Sobriety...