Fighting Sex Offense Charges In Statesville And Taylorsville: Protect Your Future
Facing sex offense charges can be a terrifying experience. The potential consequences, from social stigma to prison time, are severe. If you’ve been accused, you need strong legal representation to fight for your rights.
At Harbinson Parker, our experienced Taylorsville criminal defense attorneys have over six decades of combined experience defending clients against a wide range of sex offenses, including:
- Rape: Forced sexual intercourse without consent.
- Statutory rape: Sexual intercourse with a minor who is below the legal age of consent.
- Sexual assault: Any sexual contact or behavior that is forced or unwanted.
- Indecent exposure: Public exposure of private or intimate body parts.
- Solicitation of a minor: An attempt to engage a minor in sexual activity.
- Prostitution: The exchange of sexual services for money or other goods.
- Possession of child pornography: Having child sexual abuse content in your possession.
- Distribution of child pornography: Sharing or selling child sexual abuse content.
We understand the complexities of sex offense cases and the emotional toll they can take. Our dedicated legal team will work tirelessly to investigate the allegations, challenge the prosecution’s evidence and explore all potential defense options.
Schedule A Consultation Today
Don’t wait to get the legal help you deserve. Contact Harbinson Parker in Taylorsville today. Call us at 828-600-7462 to schedule a consultation, or visit our contact form page to get started. We will fight aggressively to protect your future. We also serve clients from our Statesville office location.